Exploring life after NASA...in the planet of Texas.
Beth Beck, PhD in McKinney, Texas:
I retired from NASA in 2018 after three decades in federal service, the majority in Washington, DC, and moved home to the great state of Texas. I'm passionate about social entrepreneurship, collaborative practice, and community engagement. I have a proven history creating innovative solutions to complex problems. I offer outcome-based, disruptive design thinking to bring about positive results.
MillHouse Foundation is a nonprofit foundation designed to connect women, build community, share resources, and create social, creative, and economic impact. MillHouse McKinney, located at the Cotton Mil is a membership-based social and cowork space for women with studios, programs, activities, and experiences to promote collaboration and creativity.
During my federal career, I championed innovative business practices that leveraged social media, advanced technology, non-traditional partnerships, and community engagement. I co-founded LAUNCH.org and NASA Datanauts, enhanced and expanded the International Space Apps Challenge, and leveraged Twitter and Facebook to build an interactive citizen engagement experience. I believe in the power of collaborative idea-generation built upon diversity of thought, which often comes from unexpected sources.